

时间:05-24 栏目:英语语法



1. The girls _began_(begin) to bob their hair to be in style. 姑娘们开始把她们的头发剪成时髦的短发。

2. She _began_ (begin) to lose faith in herself. 她开始对自己丧失信心。

3. He now _began_(begin) to inkle what was going on. 他现在开始有点明白究竟在发生什么事了。

4. The snow _began_ (begin) about midnight. 午夜前后开始下雪。

5. When they _began_(begin) to talk about him he pricked his ears. 当他们开始议论到他时,他竖起了耳朵



1. She has _begun_(begin) on a new book. 她已开始看一本新书。

2. Many have _begun_(begin) it. I do not yet know whether or not they kept to it. 许多人都有开始在研究,但至于他们是否能够坚持下去,却非我预料所及的了。

3. He'd _begun_(begin) to follow me through the gates. 他本已开始要跟着我穿过那个大门了。

4. We must continue the important work that we have _begun_(begin) together. 我们必须继续已经开始进行的各项重要工作。

5. While proud of his record, Obama has already _begun_(begin) thinking about what went wrong — and what he needs to do to change course for the next two years. 当奥巴马对他的记录感到自豪的时候,他已经开始思考到底是哪里错了,以及他在未来的两年内该如何去改变航向。

6. Food distribution has _begun_(begin) in most of the affected areas, but food alone will not prevent disease and deaths. 在大多数受灾地区,食品分发已经开始,但是只有食品不能预防疾病和死亡。
