1Listen and fill in the blanks部分翻译
Today let's talk about bones.We have____bones and short bones. An adult has____bones.Half of our bones are in the____and the feet.Most of these bones help our to move easily.Every hand has____bones.They make up the wrist,the palm,and the There are____bones in the head,Small children may have____teeth but adults may have 32 teeth.
2Complete the sentences by choosing from A,B or C部分翻译
1.Matt's friends____him to the Emergency Room yesterday.
A.took B.ask C.had
A.带 B.问 C.有
2.Matt can fee! the pain in his anke,____he?
A.doesn't B.can't C.isn't
A.不 B.不能 C.不是
3.Matt——the Mountain Bike Race with Charlie.
A.skidded B.entered C.went
A.打滑 B.参加 C.去
4.Their friends are there to____them.
A.cheer for B.help C.ride
A.为……呐喊 B.帮助 C.骑
5.Don't worr3ti Matt and Charlie are____pads ln the race.
A.takng B.putting C.wearing
A.带 B.放 C.穿
6.Please take it!This medicine____sweet, like candy.
A.sounds B.touches C.smells
A.听起来 B.触摸 C.闻起来
3Can you fill in the blanks部分翻译
Matt is ln the Emergency Room at the hospitaI.First,the doctort____his leg and checks his ankle.Then she g____him an injection for the pain.Next, she examines the____。e____on his chin.Then the doctor has to check his e____.After the X-ray,she asks Mattto take m____.Matt can go home tomorrow,but he will have to walk with c____.
4Read the questions and write a paragraph部分翻译
What kind of sports do you like? Why c|o you like them? How often do you play them? Write a paragraph about your favorite sport.
5Evaluate your learning部分翻译
In this unit,how weli did you do in the following areas?
在这个单元中,在以下方面你做 得怎么样?
Very poor非常差
Ver}t well非常好
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