
酒店英语口语对话 我的电视机出毛病了

时间: 08-16 栏目:英语对话

We have already let your room to another gentleman. 我们已经把您住的房间租给了另外一位先生。


That’s no problem at all. 没问题。 I’m having a problem with my TV.我的电视机出毛病了。


What seems to be the problem 可能是什么毛病呢? I can’t get the satellite signal.我收不到卫星信号。


I’ll inform the Maintenance Department immediately.我马上通知工程部。


I need to go to the airport very early tomorrow morning.我需要明天很早就到机场。


Could you arrange a taxi for me in advance 你能提前为我安排一辆出租车吗?


I’m afraid I won’t be able to find one on the street at 6:00 in the morning.我怕 6:00 的时候在街上找不到出租车。
