
简单英语口语对话 Two Kilograms(2)

时间: 08-11 栏目:英语对话
Certainly. The fitting room is over there.当然可以,试衣间在那边。


It seems to fit you very well.这件衣服很适合你。


All right. I think I’ll take it.行,我买了。


I’m looking for a pair of shoes.我想买双鞋。


Yes, sir. I’d be glad to show you some.好的,先生。很高兴拿给你看。


Do you have anything larger than this one 你有更大点的吗 


Yes, we have. Let me show you.有,我拿给你。


Yes. Can I help you 是的。我可以帮你吗?
