
初中英语短对话 I see

时间: 07-20 栏目:英语对话

1 hi, Sue, I feel a kind of chilly today.


2 It is very chilly now. Autumn is approaching.


3 Autumn is my favorite season.


4 oh yeah, I don’t like it.


5 I like to take a deep breath of the crisp autumn air.


6 It makes me so happy when the cool autumn wind tickles my face.


7 I like summer better. I like to go to the beach.


8 which lesson do you like most 


9 I like math more than science.


10 why 


11 Because it is fun and we can learn a lot from that lesson.


12 What did you learn 


13 we learned the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fraction and decimal.


14 That is a lot, isn’t it.


15 I’m sure it is but we feel it is a relax lesson.


16 really 


 17 yes! We always play some fun math games after we reached our goal.


18 I see.


19 oh, the bell is ring, I need to go for math lesson, see ya!


20 good luck.
