时间: 12-06
坚定jiān dìng
1. [firm;fixed;resolute;steadfast]∶意志坚强,不动摇
2. [strengthen]∶使坚强不动摇
刚强gāng qiáng
[strong;staunch;firm] 意志性格等坚强、不在恶势力前低头、不畏艰难
坚决jiān jué
[staunch;resolute;determined;firm;persistent] 意志确定不移;不犹豫
顽强wán qiáng
1. [tenacious;determined]∶非常坚强
2. [indomitable;stanch]∶强硬不屈
坚毅jiān yì
[finality;be firm and persistent;with unswerving determination] 坚定刚毅
刚毅gāng yì
[be resolute and steadfast] 刚强坚毅
坚贞jiān zhēn
[faithful;be constant to the bitter end] 不改变节操
1. [firm;fixed;resolute;steadfast]∶意志坚强,不动摇
2. [strengthen]∶使坚强不动摇
刚强gāng qiáng
[strong;staunch;firm] 意志性格等坚强、不在恶势力前低头、不畏艰难
坚决jiān jué
[staunch;resolute;determined;firm;persistent] 意志确定不移;不犹豫
顽强wán qiáng
1. [tenacious;determined]∶非常坚强
2. [indomitable;stanch]∶强硬不屈
坚毅jiān yì
[finality;be firm and persistent;with unswerving determination] 坚定刚毅
刚毅gāng yì
[be resolute and steadfast] 刚强坚毅
坚贞jiān zhēn
[faithful;be constant to the bitter end] 不改变节操